Source code for fmcw.postprocessing

import ast
import numpy as np
import time
import collections
import copy
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt
import io
from queue import Queue, Empty
from threading import Thread
import csv
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
from fmcw import ftdi, adc

import matplotlib
#matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg')  # Use another backend
matplotlib.rc('image', cmap='jet')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=4): """ User friendly wrapper for a highpass scipy.signal.butter. :param cutoff: cutoff frequency :param fs: sampling frequency :param order: order of the Butterworth filter :return: scipy butter objects """ nyq = 0.5 * fs normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='high', analog=False) return b, a
[docs]def butter_highpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=4): """ Filter data with a highpass scipy.signal.butter. :param data: Data to filter :param cutoff: Cutoff frequency :param fs: Sampling frequency :param order: Order of the Butterworth filter :return: Filtered data """ b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff, fs, order=order) y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return y
[docs]def twos_comp(val, bits): """ Compute the 2's complement of int value val. :param val: Bytes to complement :param bits: :return: 2's complement of int value val """ if (val & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0: # if sign bit is set e.g., 8bit: 128-255 val = val - (1 << bits) # compute negative value return val # return positive value as is
[docs]def f_to_d(f, s): """ Converts frequency bins to distance bins based on ADC settings. :param f: Frequency bins :param s: Settings dictionary :return: Distance bins """ return s['c']*f/(2*(s['bw']/s['t_sweep']))
[docs]def create_bases(s): """ Create the x axis data for all sorts of plots. This will speed up the display of the plots by caching it and limiting the amount of data to be redrawn. :param s: Settings dictionary :return: time, frequency, distance, angle bins """ wl = s['c'] / (s['f0'] + s['bw'] / 2) # [m] Center wavelength t = np.linspace(0, s['t_sweep'], s['sweep_length']) # [s] Time base f = np.linspace(0, s['if_amplifier_bandwidth'] / 2, s['sweep_length'] // 2 + 1) # [Hz] Frequency base d = f_to_d(f, s) # [m] Distance base angles = 180 / np.pi * np.arcsin(np.linspace(1, -1, s['angle_pad']) * wl / (2 * s['d_antenna'])) # [°] Degree base return t, f, d, angles
[docs]def r4_normalize(x, d, e=1.5): """ Not sure what this does. Used when processing the angle data. :param x: :param d: :param e: :return: """ n = d[-1]**e return x*d**e/n
[docs]def read_settings(f, encoding=None): """ Reads the first line of a file and evaluates it as python code. Used when reading the binary log as the first line contains the settings dictionary. :param f: File handle :param encoding: :return: Settings dictionary from string evaluated as python code """ data = f.readline() data = data.decode(encoding) if encoding else data settings = ast.literal_eval(data) return settings
[docs]def find_start_batch(data, s, initial_index=0): """ Find the starting index of the first valid batch of sweep data and its corresponding header. :param data: Batch of data coming from the FPGA via the USB port. :param s: Settings dictionary :param initial_index: 0 if reading a new batch, non zero if finding the next valid sweep within a batch :return: Starting index of a sweep data, header of that sweep """ flag_valid_header = False for index in range(initial_index, len(data) - s['nbytes_sweep'] - 2): current_header = [data[index], data[index + 1]] if current_header[0] == s['start'] and data[index + s['nbytes_sweep'] + 2] == s[ 'start']: # Not 100% foolproof, but cannot be anyway print("[INFO] Found start signal {} at position {} (jumped {} byte)." .format(current_header, index, index-initial_index)) print("[INFO] Next header would read [{}, {}]".format(data[index + s['nbytes_sweep'] + 2], data[index + s['nbytes_sweep'] + 3])) flag_valid_header = True break if flag_valid_header: # All good index += 2 # Skip the header, it is saved in current_header else: # index = -1 # No valid header was found index = 0 current_header = [0, 0] #print("[ERROR] index: {} | len(data): {} | s['nbytes_sweep']: {}".format(index, len(data), s['nbytes_sweep'])) #raise ValueError('[ERROR] No valid header found in the data!') assert index >= 0 assert current_header[0] == 127 or current_header[0] == 0 return index, current_header
[docs]def process_batch(rest, data, s, next_header, counter_decimation, sweep_count, verbose=False): """ Main function to process incoming batches of data from the FPGA. The goal is to find valid sweeps in the data. Main challenges are that the start of the data might come from the end of a previous sweep, there might be some dropped byte in some sweeps due to latency from the OS vs real time FPGA, and a last sweep that is incomplete and has to be merged with the next batch. :param rest: End of the previous batch that was not long enough to constitute a whole sweep. :param data: New batch of USB data from the FPGA :param s: Settings dictionary :param next_header: Expected header of the next sweep :param counter_decimation: Rolling counter, keeps track of software decimation across batches :param sweep_count: Global number of valid, post decimation sweeps that have been found :param verbose: A lot of extra info will be displayed :return: batch_ch, next_header, rest, sweep_count, counter_decimation """ # Sanity checks on types assert type(rest)==bytes or rest == None assert type(data)==bytes assert type(s['start'])==int assert type(s['nbytes_sweep'])==int assert type(next_header)==list # Sanity checks on length assert len(next_header) == 2 assert type(next_header[0] == np.int8) and type(next_header[1] == np.int8) assert len(data) + len(rest) > 0 # Sanity check on nature of next_header assert next_header[0] in [0, 1, s['start']] # Can be the start signal or an error code if len(rest) > len(data): print(len(data), len(rest)) # 0. Create temp variables #counter_decimation = 0 # For software decimation sweeps_scanned = 0 skipped_data = np.zeros((s['nbytes_sweep'] // 2,), dtype=np.int16) # Create the 0 array only once batch_ch = dict() for k in range(s['channel_count']): batch_ch[k + 1] = [] # data_2[k + 1] = [] batch_ch['skipped_sweeps'] = [] # Stores the skipped frames for both channels # 1. Concatenate the rest with the data initial_data_length = len(data) # DEBUG data = rest + data # Concatenate the bytearrays if len(data) > s['patience_data_length']: # Threshold in data length raise ValueError('[ERROR] No valid header found in these {} byte of data'.format(len(data))) if verbose: print("[INFO] rest length: {} | block: {} long | shape to process: {}".format(len(rest), initial_data_length, len(data))) assert type(data) == bytes # 2. Find the start if next_header[0] != s['start']: # The start was not found # This can happen if the previous sweep ended with a lot of data but no valid header. # All the remaining data was carried over as rest. Once a new valid header is found, we can see how many # sweeps were skipped and fill batch_ch with the corresponding amount of 0s. Should be rare to skip so many # sweep unless very few bytes are read on the USB port. # CASE 1: [0, 0] - No valid header ever found if next_header[0] == 0: # This is the first time we go through process_batch index, next_header = find_start_batch(data, s) if next_header[0] == 0: # valid header not found - need more data to get started print("[WARNING] No valid header found when searching for a start signal for a case [0, 0]") rest = data return batch_ch, next_header, rest, sweep_count, counter_decimation else: # Found a valid header. Let's get started with the main while loop! assert next_header[0] == s['start'] # CASE 2: [1, N] - The backward search failed previously elif next_header[0] == 1: # The previous batch ended without a valid next header but has a frame_number current_frame_number = next_header[1] index, next_header = find_start_batch(data, s) # Start searching from the start if next_header[0] == 0: # valid header not found - need more data to get started print("[WARNING] No valid header found when searching for a start signal for a case [1, N]") next_header = [1, current_frame_number] # Restore header rest = data return batch_ch, next_header, rest, sweep_count, counter_decimation else: # Sucess! A valid header was found. Append the required 0s for the skipped sweeps assert next_header[0] == s['start'] print("[INFO] Recovered from backward search failure with", next_header) sweeps_scanned = (next_header[1] - current_frame_number)&0xff for _ in range(sweeps_scanned): # Add all the required zeros before getting started if counter_decimation == s['soft_decimate']: signed_data = skipped_data # Will append just 0s. Frame is skipped batch_ch['skipped_sweeps'].append(sweep_count) for channel in range(s['channel_count']): # Channels number are 1 based for now batch_ch[channel + 1].append(signed_data[channel::s['channel_count']]) # Data is entangled # Increment counters counter_decimation = 0 sweep_count += 1 # Only count sweeps after decimation else: # Decimate sweep: should we interpolate the data or drop zeros? if verbose: print("[INFO] Decimating sweep : {}/{}".format(counter_decimation, s['soft_decimate'])) counter_decimation += 1 sweeps_scanned = 0 print("[INFO] Done recovering ", next_header) else: # There is a valid previous header! index = 0 # rest+data will be scanned from the start if verbose: print("[INFO] Starting with header", next_header) try: # [DEBUG] I saw that fail once, not sure why current_frame_number = next_header[1] except: print(next_header) assert type(data) == bytes assert type(next_header[0]==np.int8) try: assert next_header[0] == s['start'] # All issues must have been solved before getting to the main loop except: print(next_header) raise assert index >= 0 # Cannot be negative otherwise creates a wreck # 3. Process the batches as long as they are valid. while index+s['nbytes_sweep']+2 < len(data) and next_header[0] == s['start']: # 3.1 Scoop the next s['nbytes_sweep'] and the following header if verbose: print("\n[INFO] Reading sweep", current_frame_number) batch = data[index:index+s['nbytes_sweep']] if len(batch) == 0: print("Debug 2") print(index, len(data), s['nbytes_sweep']) raise next_header = [data[index+s['nbytes_sweep']], data[index+s['nbytes_sweep']+1]] # 3.2 First case: the header is valid if next_header[0] == s['start'] and next_header[1] == (current_frame_number+1)&0xff: if verbose: print("[INFO] Successfully read sweep {} starting at index {}".format(current_frame_number, index)) flag_success = True index += s['nbytes_sweep'] + 2 sweeps_scanned = (next_header[1] - current_frame_number) & 0xff assert sweeps_scanned == 1 # Debug # Second case: the next_header does not match expectations else: # Drop this sweep as next_header does not match expectations if verbose: print('[WARNING] Lost track of sweep starting at {} '.format(index)) print('[WARNING] Next header at {} read: {} | Expected: ({}, {})' .format(index+s['nbytes_sweep'], next_header, s['start'], (current_frame_number+1)&0xff)) flag_success = False # Option 1: Look for the start of the correct next_header in the dropped data for jj in range(s['nbytes_sweep'])[::-1]: # Go in reverse try: # DEBUG if jj == s['nbytes_sweep'] - 1: # if sweep_data[jj] == s['start'] and next_frame_number == (current_frame_number+1)&0xff: # I think this is wrong if batch[jj] == s['start'] and next_header[0] == (current_frame_number + 1)&0xff: # Check this next_header = [batch[jj], next_header[0]] # Only 1 int16 was lost break elif batch[jj] == s['start'] and batch[jj + 1] == (current_frame_number + 1)&0xff: next_header = [batch[jj], batch[jj+1]] # Cast batch values to int and put them in a list break except: print("DEBUG") print(jj, len(batch)) print(next_header) assert 0 # Process the result of that backward search if next_header == [s['start'], (current_frame_number + 1) & 0xff]: # Valid header! if verbose: print("[WARNING] Found header {} at {}".format(next_header, index+jj)) print("[WARNING] Skipping sweep {} from {} to {}.".format(current_frame_number, index, index+s['nbytes_sweep'])) print("[WARNING] Restarting with sweep {} from position {}".format(next_header[1], index+jj+2)) index += jj + 2 # Skip the next_header and get ready to scoop s['nbytes_sweep'] of data sweeps_scanned = (next_header[1] - current_frame_number) & 0xff assert sweeps_scanned == 1 # Debug else: # Backward pass failed # Option 2: Search for the header forward print("[WARNING] Failed backward search. Header must have been lost.") next_header = [1, (current_frame_number+1)& 0xff] # Signal that the backward search failed assert jj == 0 index += s['nbytes_sweep'] # Skip the whole "expected" sweep. sweeps_scanned = 1 # This sweep will be ignored """[TBR] Previously tried to find forward the next header index, next_header = find_start_batch(data, s, initial_index=index) print("[WARNING] Current sweep number: {} | Next header count: {}" .format(current_frame_number, next_header[1])) if next_header[0] == 0: # Failed to find a valid header forward index = len(data) # No rest will be generated next_header = [0, current_frame_number] # Communicate sweeps_scanned = 0 # Skip channel assignement print('[WARNING] Next header not found in previous incorrect frame nor rest of frame.') else: # Valid header found in forward data sweeps_scanned = (next_header[1] - current_frame_number) & 0xff # Could be > 1 """ current_frame_number = next_header[1] # Ready to read the next sweep # 3.3 Append data if we are not decimating #if counter_decimation == s['soft_decimate']: for _ in range(sweeps_scanned): if counter_decimation == s['soft_decimate']: if flag_success: signed_data = np.frombuffer(batch, dtype=np.int16) # Read as int16 else: signed_data = skipped_data # Will append just 0s. Frame is skipped batch_ch['skipped_sweeps'].append(sweep_count) for channel in range(s['channel_count']): # Channels number are 1 based for now batch_ch[channel + 1].append(signed_data[channel::s['channel_count']]) # Data is entangled # Increment counters counter_decimation = 0 sweep_count += 1 # Only count sweeps after decimation else: # Decimate sweep: should we interpolate the data or drop zeros? if verbose: print("[INFO] Decimating sweep : {}/{}".format(counter_decimation, s['soft_decimate'])) counter_decimation += 1 sweeps_scanned = 0 # 4. Finalization # Return numpy arrays rather than lists for k in range(s['channel_count']): batch_ch[k + 1] = np.array(batch_ch[k + 1], dtype=np.int16) rest = data[index:] # Get the rest if index < length(data) else [] if verbose: print("\n[INFO] There is a rest of length", len(rest)) return batch_ch, next_header, rest, sweep_count, counter_decimation
[docs]def calculate_if_data(sweeps, s): """ Convert the raw data to a differential voltage level. Note that the data is cast from int16 to float64. :param sweeps: Sweeps to consider :param s: Settings dictionary :return: Voltage is returned as a dict with each key being a channel. """ assert type(sweeps) == dict if_data = {} for channel in sweeps: # Go through all available channels data = np.array(sweeps[channel], dtype=np.float) data *= 1 / (s['fir_gain'] * 2 ** (s['adc_bits'] - 1)) # No w if_data[channel] = data return if_data
[docs]def calculate_angle_plot(sweeps, s, tfd_angles): """Perform the data processing to calculate the angular location of objects in a single sweep. The goal is to plot that result afterward, not to process multiple sweeps. :param sweeps: Data from which the angle position will be calculated :param s: Settings dictionary :param tfd_angles: Tuple containing all the bins important for the plotting :return: fxdb """ # WARNING: ONLY 2 CHANNELS SUPPORTED SO FAR assert type(sweeps) == dict d = tfd_angles[2] angle_mask = tfd_angles[4] fxm = None # If not None need to see sth else if fxm: coefs = [0.008161818583356717, -0.34386493885120994, 0.65613506114879, -0.34386493885120994, 0.008161818583356717] else: coefs = [1] angle_window = np.kaiser(s['angle_pad'], 150) a = np.fft.rfft(sweeps[1]) # Channels indexes are 1 based b = np.fft.rfft(sweeps[2]) # b *= np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*channel_dl/(s['c']/(s['f0']+s['bw']/2))) b *= np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * s['channel_offset'] * np.pi / 180) if s['swap_chs']: x = np.concatenate((b, a)).reshape(2, -1) else: x = np.concatenate((a, b)).reshape(2, -1) fx = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(x, axis=0, n=s['angle_pad']), axes=0) fx = r4_normalize(fx, d) if 0: # Calculate the min/max to use with the color bar max_range_i = np.searchsorted(d, s['max_range']) cblim = np.max(20 * np.log10(np.abs(fx[:max_range_i, :]))) + 10 cblim = [cblim-50, cblim] # min max array if fxm is None: # Apply coefficients ? fx = coefs[0] * fx else: # k is not defined anymore, would have to get it from original files fx += coefs[k] * fx if s['flag_Hanning']: # Apply a Hanning window to the peak result = [] center = fx.shape[0] / 2 for freq in np.transpose(fx): # Transpose for convenience m = np.argmax(np.abs(freq)) # Find the index of the max window = np.roll(angle_window, int(round(-center - m))) # Center window on max freq *= window # Apply the window result.append(freq) fx = np.transpose(np.stack(result)) # Get back to original shape fx = fx[angle_mask] fxdb = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(fx)) return fxdb
[docs]def calculate_range_time(ch, s, single_sweep=-1): """ Take a single sweep and calculate the distances of all signals. All the channels are averaged in a single virtual channel. While this is not super good practice, it is mostly okay given how far the objects are in comparison to the distance between antennas. :param ch: dict containing the sweep data for each channel :param s: Settings dictionary :param single_sweep: Sweep to select in the dictionary in case there are actually multiple of them. To be removed. :return: im, nb_sweeps, max_range_index """ # WARNING: ONLY USING CHANNEL 2 FOR THAT # Take the average of all channels sweeps = np.zeros(ch[s['active_channels'][0]].shape) # There is at least one active channel for channel in s['active_channels']: sweeps += ch[channel].astype(np.int64) sweeps /= s['channel_count'] # Becomes a single 2D numpy array if len(ch[s['active_channels'][0]].shape) == 1: # Only 1 sweep was given nb_sweeps = 1 single_sweep = True else: # Extract a sweep from an ndarray of them if single_sweep != -1: sweeps = sweeps[single_sweep] # Using last sweep only nb_sweeps = 1 single_sweep = True else: nb_sweeps = sweeps.shape[0] # Number of sweeps single_sweep = False sweep_length = s['sweep_length'] """[TBR] Potentially subtract the background & all""" if s['subtract_background']: background = [] for i in range(sweep_length): x = 0 for j in range(len(sweeps)): x += sweeps[j][i] background.append(x / len(sweeps)) max_range_index = int(sweep_length * s['max_range'] / s['range_adc']) max_range_index = min(max_range_index, sweep_length // 2) im = np.zeros((max_range_index - 2, nb_sweeps)) w = [1]*sweep_length if single_sweep else np.kaiser(sweep_length, s['kaiser_beta']) for e in range(nb_sweeps): sw = sweeps if single_sweep else sweeps[e] if s['subtract_clutter'] and e > 0: sw = [sw[i] - sweeps[e - 1][i] for i in range(sweep_length)] if s['subtract_background']: sw = [sw[i] - background[i] for i in range(sweep_length)] sw = [sw[i] * w[i] for i in range(len(w))] # Take a Kaiser window of the sweep fy = np.fft.rfft(sw)[3:max_range_index + 1] # FFT of the sweep fy = 20 * np.log10((s['adc_ref'] / (2 ** (s['adc_bits'] - 1) * s['fir_gain'] * max_range_index)) * np.abs(fy)) fy = np.clip(fy, -100, float('inf')) im[:, e] = np.array(fy) im = np.array(fy) if single_sweep else im if 0: cblim = [min(im), max(im, 0)] return im, nb_sweeps, max_range_index
[docs]def find_start(f, start, s): """ Find a valid start header in a binary file by looking for two valid headers separated by the proper length of data. Given the simplicity of the system, it is not possible to guarantee that this data is "legit" as valid headers could be coming from random data. However, it is very unlikely. :param f: File handle :param start: Start signal to look for :param s: Settings dictionary :return: The current index at which the valid data starts and the corresponding frame number. It is coded on a single byte, so expect it to roll over after 255 is reached. """ done = False while not done: r = if r == '': # Would indicate that we have reached the EOF return if r != start: continue else: # Found start character current_frame_number =[0] done = True current_position = f.tell() # Verify that what follows are full sweeps for j in range(1):['nbytes_sweep']) # Read a whole sweep if != start: done = False next_frame_number = if len(next_frame_number) == 0: return if next_frame_number[0] != current_frame_number+1+j: done = False # Go back to just before the data return current_position, current_frame_number
[docs]def import_data(f, start, first_frame, s, samples, verbose=False): """ Import the data from a binary file. This was the source inspiration for process_batch, which is more up to date and deal with real time data. As a result, this might not be fully up to date. :param f: File handle :param start: Start signal for the headers :param first_frame: Get the current frame number read from find_start :param s: Settings dictionary :param samples: Legacy argument, useless :param verbose: Print a lot more info :return: """ counter_decimation = 0 signal = s['start'] sweep_count = 0 current_frame_number = first_frame # The data will be stored in a dict of lists, the keys being the channel number data = dict() for k in range(s['channel_count']): data[k+1] = [] data['skipped_sweeps'] = [] # Stores the skipped frames for both channels while samples == None or i < samples: # Read the start signal and the the frame_number if verbose: print("\n[INFO] Current header [{}, {}] | sweep_data starting at: {}".format(signal, current_frame_number, f.tell())) t0 = time.perf_counter() sweep_data =['nbytes_sweep']) # Block read t1 = time.perf_counter() if len(sweep_data) != s['nbytes_sweep']: break # No more data, we have reached the end of the file # Read the header signal, next_frame_number = # Should get the next signal and frame_number restart = False if signal != s['start']: if verbose: print('[WARNING] Lost track of start at {} | Next header read: [{}, {}] but expected: [{}, {}]' .format(f.tell(), signal, next_frame_number, s['start'], (current_frame_number+1)&0xff)) restart = True if restart == False and current_frame_number != None: if next_frame_number != (current_frame_number+1)&0xff: if verbose: print('[WARNING] Lost a sweep at {} | Next header read: [{}, {}] but expected: [{}, {}]'.format(f.tell(), signal, next_frame_number, s['start'], (current_frame_number+1)&0xff)) #assert 1==0 restart = True if restart: # Find the nearest start flag, looking at the latest data first pos = f.tell() # Check in the data if a valid header can be found flag_success = False for jj in range(s['nbytes_sweep'])[::-1]: # Go in reverse if jj == s['nbytes_sweep']-1: if sweep_data[jj] == s['start'] and signal == (current_frame_number + 1) & 0xff: # Check this if getting the chance flag_success = True break elif sweep_data[jj] == s['start'] and sweep_data[jj+1] == (current_frame_number+1)&0xff: flag_success = True break if flag_success: # The next header was found in the previous sweep data: some data was dropped! if verbose: print("[WARNING] Found next header [{}, {}] at position {} in the sweep_data of length {}".format(sweep_data[jj], sweep_data[jj+1], jj, s['nbytes_sweep'])) # Sanity check: - 2 - s['nbytes_sweep'] + jj) signal, next_frame_number = # Drop previous sweep if verbose: print('[WARNING] Jumped to {}, moved by {} byte'.format(f.tell(), f.tell()-pos)) print("[WARNING] Skipping sweep {}. New header: [{}, {}] (overall sweep count: {})".format(current_frame_number, signal, next_frame_number, sweep_count)) # Process the new location current_frame_number = next_frame_number if f.tell()-pos > 0: # Somehow the previous frame was s['nbytes_sweep'] and did not contain an issue raise ValueError("[ERROR] Why was a correct header not found in the previous data?") else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Next header not found in previous incorrect frame. Where is it?') else: current_frame_number = next_frame_number if counter_decimation == s['soft_decimate']: if verbose: print("[INFO] Using this sweep : {}/{}".format(counter_decimation, s['soft_decimate'])) t0 = time.perf_counter() signed_data = np.frombuffer(sweep_data, dtype=np.int16) # Does everything at once t1 = time.perf_counter() if restart: if verbose: print("[WARNING] Due to restart, appending zeros for sweep {} (overall sweep counter: {})".format(current_frame_number-1, sweep_count)) signed_data = np.zeros((s['nbytes_sweep']//2,), dtype=np.int16) data['skipped_sweeps'].append(sweep_count) # Append channel data to respective list for channel in range(s['channel_count']): # Channels number are 1 based for now data[channel+1].append(signed_data[channel::s['channel_count']]) #print(data[1][0][:10]) #print(data[2][0][:10]) #assert not np.array_equal(data[1], data[2]) sweep_count += 1 counter_decimation = 0 else: # Decimate sweep: should we interpolate the data or drop zeros? if verbose: print("[INFO] Decimating sweep : {}/{}".format(counter_decimation, s['soft_decimate'])) counter_decimation += 1 # Return numpy arrays rather than lists for k in range(s['channel_count']): data[k+1] = np.array(data[k+1], dtype=np.int16) return data
[docs]def compare_ndarrays(a, b): """Check if two arrays are equivalent or not with additional details Helper function written to find quickly why two arrays are not equal element wise. :param a: Array 1 :param b: Array 2 :return: Void. An exception is raised if a difference between the two arrays have been found. """ print("Type: {} | {}".format(type(a), type(b))) if type(a) != type(b): raise TypeError("Arrays are not of the same type") print("Shape: {} | {}".format(a.shape, b.shape)) if a.shape != b.shape: raise TypeError("Arrays do not have the same shape") print("Data type: {} | {}".format(a.dtype, b.dtype)) if a.dtype != b.dtype: raise TypeError("Array elements do not have the same type") c = a-b c = c.ravel() index_c_non_zero = [i for i in range(len(c)) if c[i] != 0] print("Indexes where the difference is not 0 (count: {}):".format(len(index_c_non_zero))) print(index_c_non_zero) print(a[0]) print(b[0])
[docs]def subtract_background(channel_data, w, data): """DEPRECATED? Subtract the mean to a list of sweeps and multiply the result by the weights w. One thing to note, is that sweeps full of zeros (coming from corrupted usb data) are left invariant. :param channel_data: dict of channels containing the sweep data as numpy arrays :param w: weights to apply to the array of sweeps :param data: Not sure :return: Updated channel_data """ zero_sweep = np.zeros((channel_data.shape[1],), dtype=np.int16) # Subtract background from the channels data, which are numpy arrays # Input is the data dictionnary, output is the list of processed data background = np.sum(channel_data, axis=0)/(channel_data.shape[0]-len(data['skipped_sweeps'])) channel_data = w*(channel_data - background) for skipped_frame in data['skipped_sweeps']: channel_data[skipped_frame] = zero_sweep return channel_data
[docs]def subtract_clutter(channel_data, w, data, clutter_averaging=1): """DEPRECATED? Subtract to a sweep the average of the previous clutter_averaging sweeps. It's some kind of moving average. The goal is to perform motion detection a lot more easily. :param channel_data: dict of channels containing the sweep data as numpy arrays :param w: weights to apply to the array of sweeps :param data: Not sure :param clutter_averaging: Number of previous sweeps to average before subtracting them to the current one. :return: """ zero_sweep = np.zeros((channel_data.shape[1],), dtype=np.int16) a = np.zeros((clutter_averaging, channel_data.shape[1])) # Padding for the first clutter_averaging sweeps print(a.shape, channel_data.shape) print(sorted(data['skipped_sweeps'])) # Build the indexes to use for the clutter subtraction last_good_indexes = collections.deque(maxlen=clutter_averaging) # Deque stored the last meaningful sweeps last_good_indexes.append(0) # Assume the first sweep is okay subtract_channel_data = [] for sweep_number in range(len(channel_data)): if sweep_number in sorted(data['skipped_sweeps']): subtract_channel_data.append(zero_sweep) else: accumulator_channel_data = zero_sweep.astype(np.float64) # Temporarily switching to the float space # CUSTOM WEIGHTS FOR MOVING AVERAGE # WARNING: index 0 carries the oldest element in the deque, you probably want a lower weight on it. weights = [1 for index in range(len(last_good_indexes))] # weights = [1/(len(last_good_indexes)-index) for index in range(len(last_good_indexes))] if weights[0] > weights[-1]: print("[WARNING] Currently weighting the oldest sweeps more than the youngest. Are you sure?") # print(weights) assert len(weights) == len(last_good_indexes) for index, ii in enumerate(last_good_indexes): accumulator_channel_data += weights[index]*channel_data[ii] # if len(last_good_indexes): # print("[WARNING] Divide by zero at ", ii) accumulator_channel_data /= np.sum(weights) # Divide by the sum of the weights used # Sanity check, verify that casting back to np.int16 is seamless assert np.max(accumulator_channel_data) < 2 ** 16 assert np.min(accumulator_channel_data) > -2 ** 16 subtract_channel_data.append(accumulator_channel_data) last_good_indexes.append(sweep_number) # Cast back to np.int16 subtract_channel_data = np.array(subtract_channel_data, dtype=np.int16) print(subtract_channel_data.shape) channel_data = w*(channel_data - subtract_channel_data) #assert np.array_equal(channel_data_2[0], w*channel_data[0]) # Verify that the first item did not get subtracted anything return channel_data
[docs]class Writer(Thread): """ Writer object that writes data to file. Created as a separate thread fed from a queue, so it's not blocking. Nothing special about it. Comes in twpo flavors: - Writer for binary files - Writer for csv files """ def __init__(self, queue, s, encoding='latin1'): """Create the files (settings, binary log and csv log). Uniqueness is ensured by a timestamp prefix. :param queue: Input queue from which the data will be read. If the queue times out, the thread will terminate. :param s: Settings dictionary :param encoding: Depending on its value, a writer to binary file or csv file is created. """ Thread.__init__(self) # Mandatory call to the super constructor self.queue = queue # input queue self.encoding = encoding # type of writer self.wrote = 0 # Number of byte or lines written if self.encoding == 'latin1': self.f = open(s['path_raw_log'], 'w', encoding=self.encoding) elif self.encoding == 'csv': self.f = open(s['path_csv_log'], 'w') self.writer = csv.writer(self.f) self.writer.writerow(['Timestamp', 'Sweep number', 'Channel', 'Data']) # Add a header elif self.encoding == 'settings': # Initialize the settings file and write the settings to file with csv.DictWriter with open(s['path_settings'], 'w') as f: # Write the settings to file writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=s.keys()) writer.writeheader() writer.writerow(s) print("[INFO] Wrote the settings to {}".format(s['path_settings'])) else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] File encoding method {} unknown'.format(self.encoding)) self.timeout = s['timeout']
[docs] def run(self): """ Process the data from the queue and write it to file. :return: void """ while True: try: d = self.queue.get(True, self.timeout) except Empty: # The queue has timed out. Not supposed to happen if self.encoding == 'csv': print('[WARNING] {} Writer timed out after {} s without data | Wrote {} numbers to file' .format(self.encoding, self.timeout, self.wrote)) elif self.encoding == 'latin1': print('[WARNING] {} Writer timed out after {} s without data | Wrote {} row to file' .format(self.encoding, self.timeout, self.wrote)) self.f.close() return if len(d) == 0: # A '' signal was intentionally put to queue to indicate the end of the recording print('\n[INFO] Done after writing {:,} rows to file'.format(self.wrote)) self.f.close() return else: if self.encoding == 'latin1': self.f.write(d) elif self.encoding == 'csv': self.writer.writerow(d) self.wrote += len(d)
[docs]def move_figure(f, number): """Move a figure to position (x, y) of the screen determined by the figure "number". Only 3 positions supported. DO NOT REALY ON THIS FUNCTION. CANNOT BE GENERALIZED TO OTHER USE CASES THAN WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED FOR. Basically, only used it with Qt5Agg. Did not try other backends and the code is not complete for it. They are slower than Qt when I tried, so not relevant. All units are px. :param f: Figure handle :param number: Figure number. Only handles 3 different positions on screen, all 3 horizontal. :return: Void """ max_width = 1900 # Ideally, should find the screen dimensions in a backend neutral way width = 600 # Width of the figure width_pad = 75 # Separation between the figures height = int(width*550/640) y = 1 # (1, 1) is upper left corner. The coordinates are 1 indexed, so (0, 0) will raise an exception. x = 1 + (number-1)*(width + width_pad) if not 1 <= number <= 3: raise ValueError('Only 3 plots can be displayed horizontally') backend = matplotlib.get_backend() # Only works with Qt(5?)(Agg?) anyway # print("Backend is", backend) if backend == 'TkAgg': print(f.canvas.manager.window.maxsize()) f.canvas.manager.window.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y)) elif backend == 'WXAgg': f.canvas.manager.window.SetPosition((x, y)) else: # Qt5Agg f.canvas.manager.window.setGeometry(x, y, width, height) print("The GUI's location is now", f.canvas.manager.window.geometry())
[docs]class if_display(mp.Process): """ Sub-process for displaying the IF (Intermediate Frequency) data. These raw values coming out of the ADC (after FPGA filtering) are (almost) what make up the sweeps. There is a little bit of post-processing but not much. """ def __init__(self, tfd_angles, s, data_accessible, new_sweep_if, sweep_to_display, time_stamp): """ Nothing too special here. Store a bunch of information. :param tfd_angles: x axis data :param s: Settings dictionary :param data_accessible: shared mp.Event that acts as a Lock when the sweep data is being updated. :param new_sweep_if: shared mp.Event that signals when a new sweep is ready to be plotted for its IF. :param sweep_to_display: data to be displayed :param time_stamp: shared mp.Array that contains a few timestamp infos """ mp.Process.__init__(self) # Calling super constructor - mandatory # Create the window self.tfd_angles = tfd_angles self.s = s self.previous_sweep_counter = -self.s['refresh_stride'] # Virtual initial condition self.data_accessible = data_accessible self.new_sweep_if = new_sweep_if self.sweep_to_display = sweep_to_display self.time_stamp = time_stamp self.timing = []
[docs] def run(self): """IF process loop :return: """ # Create the figure object. Does not work when done in __init__ for some reason self.window = if_time_domain_animation(self.tfd_angles, self.s, grid=True, blit=True) # Main loop. Exits when the parent process terminates the process while True: # 1. Wait for the data flag to be set self.data_accessible.wait() self.new_sweep_if.wait() # 2. Retrieve the latest data and make a copy of it t0 = time.perf_counter() arr = np.array(self.sweep_to_display, dtype=np.int16) # Makes a copy of that shared memory time_stamp = np.array(self.time_stamp) # Same here, make a copy of the shared memory # 3. Reshape the sweep data as it had to be fit in a static, 1D, C-style array. arr = arr.reshape((self.s['channel_count'], int(self.s['t_sweep'] * self.s['if_amplifier_bandwidth']))) data = {key:arr[index] for index, key in enumerate(self.s['active_channels'])} # dict for compatibility # 4. Process the IF data if_data = calculate_if_data(data, self.s) # 5. Sanity checks: did we skip some refreshes for being too slow? sweeps_skipped = int(round((time_stamp[0] - self.previous_sweep_counter) / self.s['refresh_stride'])) - 1 verbose = False if sweeps_skipped > 0 and verbose: # Some refreshes were skipped - not good!! print("[WARNING] Refresh rate cannot be sustained for IF data | [{}; {}[ (total: {}) were skipped" .format(self.previous_sweep_counter, self.previous_sweep_counter+sweeps_skipped*self.s['refresh_stride'], sweeps_skipped)) # 6. Update the figure self.window.update_plot(if_data, time_stamp) # 7. Set the necessary counters and flags self.previous_sweep_counter = int(time_stamp[0]) self.new_sweep_if.clear() self.timing.append(time.perf_counter() - t0)
#print("IF loop duration: mean: {:.3f} s | std: {:.3f} s".format(np.mean(self.timing), np.std(self.timing))) def __del__(self): print("[INFO] IF sub-process is now terminating.")
[docs]class if_time_domain_animation(): def __init__(self, tfd_angles, s, grid=False, blit=False): """ Initialize an object that will contain the IF plot. :param tfd_angles: :param s: Settings dictionary :param grid: Display the grid on the plot screen. :param blit: Blit is used to speed up image display by caching what is not redrawn. """ # 1. Save the figure in this object t = tfd_angles[0] self.fig = plt.figure("IF time domain") move_figure(self.fig, 1) # Figure 1 is in the top left corner # 2. Set up the static parts of the figure = self.fig.add_subplot(111)'Time [s]')'Voltage [V]') self.lines = {}[0, t[-1]]) if s['cblim_if'] != []: # Set the color bar limits if they have been defined. Otherwise, dynamic.['cblim_if']) # 3. Display initial data (zeros) to activate the figure self.fig.canvas.draw() # note that the first draw comes before setting data for channel in s['active_channels']: # Channels are 1 based due to hardware considerations self.lines[channel] =, np.zeros((len(t),)), label='CH'+str(channel))[0] # Grab first in list'best') # Display the figure # 4. If blitting, cache background self.blit = blit if self.blit: # cache the background self.axbackground = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(
[docs] def update_plot(self, if_data, time_stamp): """Dynamic refresh of the IF plot. A lot of work has been put in reducing the time necessary to refresh a plot. There must be some possible improvements, especially by messing with the backend directly. TO DO: less data points could be plotted as an entire sweep is likely to contain more points than pixels available to it on the screen. :param if_data: processed IF data from a sweep :param time_stamp: Timestamp for the current sweep :return: """ for channel in if_data: # Update y-data only, for all active channels self.lines[channel].set_ydata(if_data[channel])'IF time-domain at time T = {:.3f} s | FPGA time: {:.1f} s (lag: {:.1f} s)' .format(time_stamp[1], time_stamp[2], time_stamp[2]-time_stamp[1])) # Update title if self.blit: # Given the performance boost, should be the default case self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.axbackground) # restore background for channel in if_data: # redraw just the points[channel]) self.fig.canvas.blit( # fill in the axes rectangle self.fig.canvas.update() self.fig.canvas.flush_events() else: self.fig.canvas.flush_events() # The order does not seem to matter with canvas.draw() self.fig.canvas.draw()
def __del__(self): plt.close(self.fig.number)
[docs]class angle_display(mp.Process): """ Sub-process to display the angular information coming from both receivers. """ def __init__(self, tfd_angles, s, data_accessible, new_sweep_angle, sweep_to_display, time_stamp): """ Nothing too special here. Store a bunch of information. :param tfd_angles: x axis data :param s: Settings dictionary :param data_accessible: shared mp.Event that acts as a Lock when the sweep data is being updated. :param new_sweep_if: shared mp.Event that signals when a new sweep is ready to be plotted for its Angle. :param sweep_to_display: data to be displayed :param time_stamp: shared mp.Array that contains a few timestamp infos """ mp.Process.__init__(self) # Mandatory call to super # Create the window self.s = s self.tfd_angles = tfd_angles self.previous_sweep_counter = -self.s['refresh_stride'] # Virtual initial condition self.data_accessible = data_accessible self.new_sweep_angle = new_sweep_angle self.sweep_to_display = sweep_to_display self.time_stamp = time_stamp self.timing = []
[docs] def run(self): """ Angle sub-process loop. :return: """ # Create the figure object. Does not work when done in __init__ for some reason self.window = angle_animation(self.tfd_angles, self.s, method='cross-range', blit=True) # Main loop. Exits when the parent process terminates the process while True: # 1. Wait for the data flag to be set self.data_accessible.wait() self.new_sweep_angle.wait() # 2. Retrieve the latest data and make a copy of it t0 = time.perf_counter() arr = np.array(self.sweep_to_display, dtype=np.int16) # Makes a copy of that shared memory time_stamp = np.array(self.time_stamp) # Same here, make a copy of the shared memory # 3. Reshape the sweep data as it had to be fit in a static, 1D, C-style array. arr = arr.reshape((self.s['channel_count'], int(self.s['t_sweep'] * self.s['if_amplifier_bandwidth']))) data = {key: arr[index] for index, key in enumerate(self.s['active_channels'])} # dict for compatibility # 4. Process the data to determine the angular components fxdb = calculate_angle_plot(data, self.s, self.tfd_angles) # 5. Sanity checks: did we skip some refreshes for being too slow? sweeps_skipped = int(round((time_stamp[0] - self.previous_sweep_counter) / self.s['refresh_stride'])) - 1 verbose = False if sweeps_skipped > 0 and verbose: # Some refreshes were skipped - not good!! print("[WARNING] Refresh rate cannot be sustained for angle data | [{}; {}[ (total: {}) were skipped" .format(self.previous_sweep_counter, self.previous_sweep_counter + sweeps_skipped * self.s['refresh_stride'], sweeps_skipped)) # 6. Update the figure self.window.update_plot(fxdb, time_stamp) # 7. Set the necessary counters and flags self.previous_sweep_counter = int(time_stamp[0]) self.new_sweep_angle.clear() self.timing.append(time.perf_counter() - t0)
#print("Angle loop duration: mean: {:.3f} s | std: {:.3f} s".format(np.mean(self.timing), np.std(self.timing))) def __del__(self): print("[INFO] Angle sub-process is now terminating.")
[docs]class angle_animation(): def __init__(self, tfd_angles, s, method='angle', blit=False): """ Initialize an object that will contain the Angle plot. :param tfd_angles: :param s: Settings dictionary :param method: Various types of angular plots are available :param blit: Blit is used to speed up image display by caching what is not redrawn. """ # 1. Save the figure in this object d = tfd_angles[2] angles = tfd_angles[3] angles_masked = angles[tfd_angles[4]] self.fig = plt.figure("Angle") move_figure(self.fig, 2) # Figure 2 is in the middle self.method = method fxdb = np.zeros((len(angles_masked), len(d))) # For figure initialization only # 2. Select the type of figure to display if self.method == 'polar': # Polar plot, looks cool but takes a lot of space (displays all 360 degrees) = self.fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)"???")"???") elif self.method == 'cross-range': # Best type, shows a cone of detection = self.fig.add_subplot(111) #[0, max_range])"Range [m]") ylim = 90 * np.sin(angles_masked[0] * np.pi / 180) ylim = [-ylim, ylim]"Cross-range [m]") r, theta = np.meshgrid(d, angles_masked * np.pi / 180) x = r * np.cos(theta) y = -r * np.sin(theta)'equal') elif self.method == 'angle': = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.quad =, angles_masked, fxdb)[d[0], s['max_range']])"Range [m]")[angles_masked[0], angles_masked[-1]])"Angle [$^o$]") else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Incorrect method for the angle plots') # 3. Display initial data (zeros) to activate the figure self.fig.canvas.draw() # Get ready to cache this # 4. If blitting, cache background self.blit = blit if self.blit: # cache the background self.axbackground = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox( # 5. Depending on type, display initial plot if self.method == 'polar': self.quad = * np.pi / 180, d, fxdb.transpose()) elif self.method == 'cross-range': self.quad =, y, fxdb) elif self.method == 'angle': self.quad =, angles_masked, fxdb) else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Incorrect method for the angle plots') self.colorbar = self.fig.colorbar(self.quad, if s['cblim_angle'] != []: # Set the color bar limits if they have been defined. Otherwise, dynamic. self.quad.set_clim(*s['cblim_angle'])
[docs] def update_plot(self, fxdb, time_stamp): """Dynamic refresh of the angular plot. A lot of work has been put in reducing the time necessary to refresh a plot. There must be some possible improvements, especially by messing with the backend directly. TO DO: less data points could be plotted as an entire sweep is likely to contain more points than pixels. :param fxdb: Angular data to plot :param time_stamp: Timestamp for the current sweep :return: """ if self.method == 'polar': fxdb = fxdb.transpose() # # self.quad.set_array(fxdb[:-1, :-1].ravel()) # self.quad.set_clim(*cblim) # Updates the colorbar'Angle plot at time T = {:.3f} s | FPGA time: {:.1f} s (lag: {:.1f} s)' .format(time_stamp[1], time_stamp[2], time_stamp[2] - time_stamp[1])) if self.blit: self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.axbackground) # restore background # redraw just the points self.fig.canvas.blit( # fill in the axes rectangle self.fig.canvas.update() self.fig.canvas.flush_events() else: self.fig.canvas.flush_events() self.fig.canvas.draw()
def __del__(self): plt.close(self.fig.number)
[docs]class range_time_display(mp.Process): def __init__(self, tfd_angles, s, data_accessible, new_sweep_range_time, sweep_to_display, time_stamp): """ Nothing too special here. Store a bunch of information. :param tfd_angles: x axis data :param s: Settings dictionary :param data_accessible: shared mp.Event that acts as a Lock when the sweep data is being updated. :param new_sweep_if: shared mp.Event that signals when a new sweep is ready to be plotted for its range time. :param sweep_to_display: data to be displayed :param time_stamp: shared mp.Array that contains a few timestamp infos """ mp.Process.__init__(self) # Mandatory call to super # Create the window max_range_index = int(s['sweep_length'] * s['max_range'] / s['range_adc']) self.max_range_index = min(max_range_index, s['sweep_length'] // 2) self.s = s self.previous_sweep_counter = -self.s['refresh_stride'] # Virtual initial condition self.data_accessible = data_accessible self.new_sweep_range_time = new_sweep_range_time self.sweep_to_display = sweep_to_display self.time_stamp = time_stamp self.timing = []
[docs] def run(self): """ Range time sub-process loop. :return: """ # Create the figure object. Does not work when done in __init__ for some reason self.window = range_time_animation(self.s, self.max_range_index, blit=True) # Main loop. Exits when the parent process terminates the process while True: # 1. Wait for the data flag to be set self.data_accessible.wait() self.new_sweep_range_time.wait() # 2. Retrieve the latest data and make a copy of it t0 = time.perf_counter() arr = np.array(self.sweep_to_display, dtype=np.int16) # Makes a copy of that shared memory time_stamp = np.array(self.time_stamp) # Same here, make a copy of the shared memory # 3. Reshape the sweep data as it had to be fit in a static, 1D, C-style array. arr = arr.reshape((self.s['channel_count'], int(self.s['t_sweep'] * self.s['if_amplifier_bandwidth']))) data = {key: arr[index] for index, key in enumerate(self.s['active_channels'])} # 4. Process the data to determine the angular components im, nb_sweeps, max_range_index = calculate_range_time(data, self.s, single_sweep=0) # 5. Sanity checks: did we skip some refreshes for being too slow? sweeps_skipped = int(round((time_stamp[0]-self.previous_sweep_counter)/self.s['refresh_stride']))-1 assert sweeps_skipped >= 0 assert type(sweeps_skipped) == int verbose = False if sweeps_skipped > 0 and verbose: # Some refreshes were skipped - not good!! print("[WARNING] Refresh rate cannot be sustained for RT data | [{}; {}[ (total: {}) were skipped" .format(self.previous_sweep_counter, self.previous_sweep_counter + sweeps_skipped * self.s['refresh_stride'], sweeps_skipped)) # 6. Update the figure self.window.update_plot(im, time_stamp, sweeps_skipped) # 7. Set the necessary counters and flags self.previous_sweep_counter = int(time_stamp[0]) self.new_sweep_range_time.clear() self.timing.append(time.perf_counter() - t0)
#print("RT loop duration: mean: {:.3f} s | std: {:.3f} s".format(np.mean(self.timing), np.std(self.timing))) def __del__(self): print("[INFO] Range time is now terminating")
[docs]class range_time_animation(): def __init__(self, s, max_range_index, blit=False): """ Initialize an object that will contain the Range Time plot. :param tfd_angles: :param s: Settings dictionary :param max_range_index: Maximum index used to display the requested range (or max dictated but Fourier) :param blit: Blit is used to speed up image display by caching what is not redrawn. """ # 1. Save the figure in this object self.fig = plt.figure("Range-time") move_figure(self.fig, 3) = self.fig.add_subplot(111)[-s['real_time_recall'], 0])"Time [s]")"Range [m]") # 2. Set up the static parts of the figure nb_sweeps = int(s['real_time_recall']/s['refresh_period'])+1 t = np.linspace(-s['real_time_recall'], 0, nb_sweeps, endpoint=True) x, y = np.meshgrid(t, np.linspace(0, s['range_adc']*max_range_index/s['sweep_length'], max_range_index-2)) self.current_array = np.zeros((max_range_index-2, nb_sweeps)) # Store the value currently displayed for speed # 3. Cache the dynamic parts of the figure self.fig.canvas.draw() # note that the first draw comes before setting data self.quad =, y, self.current_array) self.colorbar = self.fig.colorbar(self.quad, # 4. If blitting, cache background self.blit = blit if self.blit: # cache the background self.axbackground = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox( #self.quad.set_array(self.current_array[:-1, :-1].ravel()) if s['cblim_range_time'] != []: # Set the color bar limits if they have been defined. Otherwise, dynamic. self.quad.set_clim(*s['cblim_range_time'])
[docs] def update_plot(self, im, time_stamp, sweeps_skipped): """Dynamic refresh of the Range time plot A lot of work has been put in reducing the time necessary to refresh a plot. There must be some possible improvements, especially by messing with the backend directly. TO DO: less data points could be plotted as an entire sweep is likely to contain more points than pixels available to it on the screen. :param im: range time data :param time_stamp: Timestamp for the current sweep :param sweeps_skipped: Important here to duplicate the current sweep as many times as sweeps we skipped :return: """ # Roll current data along its columns as many times as sweeps we have skipped + 1 self.current_array = np.roll(self.current_array, -sweeps_skipped-1, axis=1) # Replaced the rolled data with the new sweep data, duplicated as required im = im.reshape(-1, 1) # Make the data 2D for broadcasting im = np.broadcast_to(im, (im.shape[0], sweeps_skipped+1)) self.current_array[:, -sweeps_skipped-1:] = im # Substitute the new array & pad self.quad.set_array(self.current_array[:-1, :-1].ravel()) # Flatten the data # self.quad.set_clim(*cblim) # Updates the colorbar'Range time plot at time T = {:.3f} s | FPGA time: {:.1f} s (lag: {:.1f} s)' .format(time_stamp[1], time_stamp[2], time_stamp[2]-time_stamp[1])) if self.blit: self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.axbackground) # restore background # redraw just the points self.fig.canvas.blit( # fill in the axes rectangle self.fig.canvas.update() self.fig.canvas.flush_events() else: self.fig.canvas.flush_events() self.fig.canvas.draw()
def __del__(self): plt.close(self.fig.number)